Statistics on Depression

Depression is common mental condition and these days people seem to be suffering from depression because of their stressful lifestyles. Depression not only affects the person who is suffering from depression but also affects their family members. The overall effects of depression are huge. The statistics on depression support this.

According to statistics on depression, it is second most serious, uncontrollable and costly health issue in the world. Still, most people who are suffering from depression are not seeking the treatment they need. Though depression is treatable with proper prescribed medication and psychotherapy, many people don’t seek treatment due to lack of awareness of the help that is available or because of the stigma of mental illness within most societies. Based on the statistics on depression identified by the World Health Organization (WHO), it is clear that around the world, depression seems to be growing everyday. It has become a very serious issue.

Statistics on depression from the World Health Organisation identifies it as the fourth most deadly contributor to the global health diseases and a significant cause of health related disability. WHO declared that by the year 2020 it will be the second highest cause of diseases around the world. According to one study which cited statistics on depression,  121 million people in world are suffering from this disease, and each year hundreds of thousands of people around the world commit suicide due to severe depression.

Here are some general statistics on depression:

  • 121 million people are suffering from depression.
  • Among 25% people seek treatment.
  • After age of 18 yrs, seven persons out of hundred suffer from depression at any stage of their life.
  • One of every 33 children and one of every eight adults suffer from clinical depression.
  • Many people notice their depression in their late thirties.
  • 10% of the 6 million people who are suffering from late life depression receive proper treatment.
  • Experts believe that 80% of people who are suffering from clinical depression are not diagnosed and treated.
  • The world economy also suffers from the cause of depression.  One study indicates that more than $51 million loss is due to lower productivity which is a direct result of depression.
  • Still many people take depression as personal weakness and don’t seek treatment.
  • Most communities around the world (in both developed, developing and emerging countries) place a stigma on mental health disorders including depression.

Though depression is a complex disease, 80 to 90% people get relief if they get proper guidance and treatment. So awareness among people about depression and its effects is very necessary.

For resources on depression, go here.