Andropause or male menopause correlates directly with depression. Andropause and depression are often major players in the notorious mid-life crisis period men face in their late 40´s to late 50´s. There are a wide variety of symptoms and conditions men experience during this mid-life transition – everything from the mental (i.e. irritability) to the physical (loss of libido, lack of energy, and weight gain). When andropause and depression are connected, and they are left untreated, they can become a deeply disabling condition.
Andropause is due to lowering levels of testosterone. Low testosterone levels cause many depressive symptoms – among them, a general indifference to events surrounding you, the inability to concentrate, extreme irritability, and memory loss.
We might stress over things that might otherwise be worry-free in a normal situation and brood over certain matters. Our memory might go down the drain and we begin to see our lives in a negative light. As you can see andropause and depression when linked to each other is like having a tiger, crocodile and snake by the tails!
As a result of andropause and depression, energy levels plummet and enthusiasm for the activities we used to enjoy become flat-lined. Insomnia and restlessness is also a common symptom. Normal everyday things can become a burden to us, and the simplest shout of a child can make us excessively irritable.
Men can be in full denial when it comes to questions about their sexual ability and prowess. We often refuse to admit that we have physical or emotional problems. Some men also shrug off their stresses and potentially troubling changes in our behaviors, emotions, thinking and performance.
If you are a man, it is time to become aware and acquainted with the severity of your depression and any related physical symptoms of andropause. Off the bat, there are facts and figures supporting depression as a major problem. For one, 80% of all suicides in the United States are carried out by men. Thus the link between andropause and depression (in men over 40) seems to be very clear!
The majority of people with this condition never seek the advice and counsel of therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists. Probably the most shocking fact of all is that the male suicide rate is highest during the andropause years. You read correctly – highest during the years we’re specifically talking about – after 40 years of age!
How do we deal with these devastating changes to our lives? How can we manage stress to reduce the chances of clinical depression – and specifically when it is related to andropause? For one, we must follow a daily exercise regimen. That coupled with a caffeine-free diet will boost our immune systems to fight diseases and mental disorders. Exercise will also slow down the aging process. If there is one suggestion regarding exercise is that males should mix aerobic exercise with a heavy regimen of resistance exercises (weight training).
Whatever you do, you should engage in the exercises you love (without ignoring the need for resistance training). Don’t stray from playing your pick-up basketball games with buddies or building those go-carts from scratch as a hobby. Invest in a book which teaches you about training for men who face the middle age years! The Life Plan is one book that males over 40 should read!
Low testosterone levels can easily be supplemented with testosterone creams or nutritional supplements.
It’s bound to happen to all of us, and you either have the choice of making the best of it or letting it overwhelm you. Awareness is critical, and an optimistic attitude, followed with physical activity and a solid nutritional plan, is the best means of fighting andropause and depression
The information in this article is for educational purposes only, and is not intended as medical advice.